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B'siyata d'shmaya - With the help of Heaven


One Hundred Years Later: 1903-2003 Where are we?

23 November 2003

Editorial by S. Alfassa for the World Sephardi News Service (WSNS)

One hundred years ago in the sunrise of the 20th century, Europe was on a steady boil, one which would soon spill over. As the once mighty Turkish-Ottoman Empire became increasingly weak in the late Nineteenth and early Twentieth Centuries, the old once independent Balkan nations began to reappear with their own leadership. Administered by the Ottoman Empire for many centuries, they now sought independence. Even so, their freedom was compromised as they became pawns for rival European powers.

By the turn of the century, the local kingdoms began to assert themselves; In 1903 Serbia became increasingly defiant of its former protector Austria-Hungary. In the summer of 1903, the king and queen of Serbia were murdered in the royal palace at Belgrade by officers of the Serbian Army. Little was it known in 1903 that ramifications from this would down the road lead into fighting and political situations which would soon boil over into two sets of wars in the Balkans, then the first of several wars, dissolution of the Ottoman Empire and introduction to the First World War.

Even though the Sick Man of Europe was nearly in the grave in 1903, the Ottoman Empire and its former territories were still a haven for Jews. From Sophia to Salonika and Andrianople to Alexandria, Spanish Jews who fled in the 15th century had been thriving under the Sultan. Nevertheless, the end was near for the Sublime Porte and with that the security for the Jews. Tens of thousands of our great-grandparents and grandparents fled the Ottoman lands in the next few successive years due to poor economies, mandatory conscription, lack of employment and war. Over 30,000 Spanish speaking Turkish Jews flooded the Lower East Side of New York, as well as Cincinnati, Seattle, and other cities. Our families arrived into poverty in America, but they were safe from the horrors of war.

Many of the families of that first generation did well in America, but lived to learn about their family back in the old country later slaughtered by the Germans during the Shoah. Yes, Salonika was now Greek and not Turkish, Rhodes was Italian and not Turkish, but that made no difference. Just because geo-political borders changed, it did not always mean populations changed. As Jews they were not Greeks, nor Italians-they were Jews-guests in other people's countries. The Salonikan Jews were wiped out, along with the Jews in all the Greek islands, cities in the Balkans and large numbers of Jews in North Africa.

One hundred years ago those initial Jews who made it safely from the Ottoman lands to America must have thought they were now safe, that their enemies were far away, would stay at bay, and their children were safe forever. Surviving descendant of those Turkish Jews who had stayed behind have recently become the targets. Arab terrorists from the well organized Al-Queda terrorist organization from Asian countries such as Afghanistan and Pakistan have again come to kill. In the name of their fanatical cause they have attacked and killed Jews and Muslims in Turkey, in a series of four massive bombings in three days. These murderers are attempting to strike easy targets, in their advancement of Islam over the west.

It is crucial to remember that in the Islamic religion, the world is divided into the "abode of peace" (Dar el Islam) and "the abode of War" (Dar el Harb). The former "abode of peace" are the areas controlled by Islam. In the "abode of war," which is everywhere else in the world, violence against the inhabitants is not only tolerated-but encouraged. This is the fanatical Muslim's methodology today. Not only do they take up arms, but they strategically seek to swell European populations with their own kind for the specific purpose of spreading Dar el Islam into Dar el Harb. What this means in simplest terms, is that Muslim fanatics from Arab lands are attempting to spread their fascist version of Islam upon the modern western world. Does history repeat itself? A little over 100 years ago, historian Henry Norman wrote:

Centuries ago, the Muslim horde came over from Asia, fought the Christian armies one by one, pushed them ever before it, and was only stopped at last when the very heart of Europe seemed within the grasp of the Crescent-bearing warriors.

Today in 2003 history is repeating itself! Arab Muslim hordes have emerged from Asia, fighting the Armies of Christians, as well as those of Jews and Muslims. Their plan is to envelop the west, starting with Israel then Europe, then with the Americas. As we witnessed in Istanbul, through their insane actions, they are willing to slay their own co-religionists, just to make their point, and further their views of their version of fanatical Islam.

We started the last century with escalating conflicts which led to major world wars. Here we are 100 years later, the conflicts are escalating each day, but we are already in the war. World War III is upon us, and it is the civilized world versus fanatical Islamic fascism. As a civilized society we say we must stop them, still we will not stop them with words, the crutch of political correctness, or policies developed around a table in Washington or Geneva. You cannot fight with 50% strength and expect to attain victory. One only needs to look at Israel or Iraq, where we are fighting enemies which are trying to kill us, with one hand tied behind our back to satisfy the politically correct crowd.

One hundred years later we are again at war. In 1903, who would have thought of all the major wars, campaigns and situations which would have come about in the 20th century. If we do not want another century of war, we have to stand up now. We are just 3 years into the century. Who knows what the next 97 years will hold for our children and grandchildren. Do not be afraid to admit it! We must battle the enemy with bullets, bombs, missiles and intelligence. We must fight as fierce and deadly warriors, not politically correct world police officers.

Nations under attack stand up! We must fight these killers to the death, as ferociously as we would to defend our children from attacking dogs. As one popular American radio talk show says, "only a more Savage Nation will survive." This is not just a slogan, this is unfortunately the honest truth. To avoid another 100 years of warfare, we must use a fist of iron to put down these fanatical enemies which are coming to kill us.