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B'siyata d'shmaya - With the help of Heaven


Bibi's Resignation on USA TV

By Shelomo Alfassa

August 7, 2005

This morning I clicked on the television and thought another 9/11 had occurred. The screen said BREAKING NEWS on one channel, FOX NEWS ALERT on another. I thought to myself "what happened!" I soon came to find out it was the resignation of Binyamin Netanyahu from Sharon's cabinet. As Fox discussed this news event, they showed archival footage of Bibi. However the film footage wasn't Bibi as former Prime Minister nor speaking in a Knesset meeting, it was stock footage of Bibi wearing a kippah, placing a note in the Western Wall surrounded by bearded religious Jewish men-you know-the same ones which the Israeli government is trying to silence, the same ones that are an irrelevant demographic to the world media.

Jennifer Griffin the always-in-Jerusalem and always-pro-Arab reporter reported that Netanyahu resigned as a political move and it would not stop the beginning of the pullouts. Pullouts, yes, Sharon told the world this is the first of the beginning, it is as what Alon Pincus called today "a trial" to see what happens. Alon Pincus, former consular general of Israel based in New York was on the phone with Fox News running the spin for the Sharon camp. Pincus was able to manipulate the three Fox talking heads which all soon followed along bobbling about how Netanyahu was doing this to save himself. In a exhibition of empty headedness like never seen before, the three parrots all agreed with each other that Israel will be pulling out of Gaza no matter what. Although it's easy to point the finger at Bibi, people with selective memories forget it was Bibi that called for a referendum, a public vote on the withdraw of Gaza, but it was Sharon who refused this. What's the slogan on those Orange bracelets the peope are wearing--it says Give the Vote to the People! Bibi tried, Sharon said no.

In a report from Tel Aviv, Martin Fletcher, the notoriously pro-Arab correspondent said Netanyahu will be running against Sharon next year and if Netanyahu wins, "there will be no more withdraws from occupied Palestinian lands." Fletcher, the British accented reporter who often speaks with a sharp tongue against all things Israeli, is the same man who once openly admitted accepting invitations from young Arabs to film violent attacks against Jewish residents in Judea and Samaria.

These news channels have tremendous influence over the American population. They say they exist to report "news," but as a demonstration of their lack of serious news coverage, they missed the real stories of the world. Today riots were occurring in Iraq, 2.5 million people are starving in Niger, and one million people were evacuated in China from a typhoon. These three stories all seemed to make it into European news agencies, but not in the United States.

On this day, like every other day, the American talking heads only reported what they felt was vital. After covering Bibi, MSNBC went into a report of owls nesting in the field of a high school and a separate report on how to sit in the sun and get a tan. CNN went into coverage of the rainy weather taking place on the Atlantic seaboard and Fox News dived into an important report on beating the common cold by drinking orange juice and then something about Brittany Spears and her misadventures with the paparazzi.

So there you have it, just another day in the life of the American media. With each new day arises another opportunity to mimize the importance of a political change in the Jewish state while reinforcing the idea that there is an occupation of Palestine. With all the war being waged by radical Islam and the human suffering occurring on the globe, they are busy reporting on vital issues such as suntans, wild birds and pop singers.

The blood thirsty Romans knew how to control their people, they won hearts and influenced minds using bread and circuses. In America, the media aids in controlling the populace by utilizing flashy graphics and impressive sound effects, they show only what they feel we should think is important. There is a phrase often heard in the USA called the Dumbing Down of America which was demonstrated today by the three top news channels. In summation of today's news reporting, although Bibi's resignation was reported, the resignation and the expulsion itself became nothing more than something to be giggled at by some ditzy reporter as she apathetically declared, "its not like Bibi leaving is going to stop the Gaza disengagement or anything."