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B'siyata d'shmaya - With the help of Heaven

A Call for Action! Help the Jews of Argentina

by Shelomo Alfassa

The Jerusalem Post

(January 17, 2002) The community in Buenos Aries Argentina is in danger! Argentina's approximately 200,000 Jews have been hit hard by the country's economic crisis, which erupted into street riots in which 25 people were killed earlier this month. I am in contact with Jews in the city and surrounding areas of Buenos Aires. Argentina has the largest Jewish community in Latin America—and, an incredible anti-Semitic problem. Many want to like to leave the country but don't have the funds to. Contacts in Buenos Aires have told me that there are many Jews in Argentina who are actually starving. The population is dire need of insulin for diabetics and other daily medications.

One month ago the government of Argentina froze all bank accounts, not allowing anyone access to their money. The government of Argentina is the same one whose own police was involved in the bomb attack on the Jewish community headquarters and the Israeli embassy. They covered up information which delayed the arrest of the terrorists. It is now known this same group had ties to Osama Bin Laden’s Al Quaeda.

Many Jews in Argentina have lost their homes, and some sleep in the street. Jewish businesses have collapsed due to economic crisis in the banking world, and those that have not have been greatly affected by severe looting.

Many Jews are making Aliyah to Israel, and the government in Israel is welcoming them with open arms. Many Jews have fled to neighboring Chile, but many thousands more want to go to Israel. I have no affiliation, I just know of the good work one important organization is conducting. I ask all my fellow Jews to find within your heart to support or brothers in Argentina during this critical time by making a donation of sedakah to the Jewish Agency for Israel.



© Shelomo Alfassa